Amy Diana

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Postcode 3008: Docklands

Docklands is known in Melbourne as the fairly awkward and mostly failed attempt at a waterside suburb. There's usually some random and cool activity happening or another wacky architecture installation, but no-one would ever hear about it or even want to muster up the motivation to check it out. One time, I watched a pirate ship playing music by shooting fire through pipes. It's mainly considered as too deserted, too windy, and too expensive to hang out. Though it does provide some of the most spectacular sunset views that I've seen in our city! Also, I'm probably one of only a few people who can say that I've actually spent a few years in and amongst Docklands. At the start of 2009 I joined a Docklands Church that held its services at James Squire Brewery and was actually baptised in the pub later that year [in water, not beer]! Our church and its office stayed in Docklands until we outgrew the space. We moved into the CBD and changed our church's name to the more commonly known City On A Hill. I do love our church, but I still have very fond memories of those earlier days.

On this particular day of sketching, I happened to be sitting with a whole group of middle school kids who were also sketching my scene in their own books. They were also running around looking at the buildings and filling in question sheets about their size and materials. When they left, a worker walked by me and called out to ask if I was sketching. I said yes and he asked if he could see my work. I showed him my book and he excitedly told me that my style was very similar to his own dad's art, however, his dad hasn't been able to paint for a long time due to Parkinson's disease. We then found out that both himself and I have taken up watercolour as a way to fight perfectionism and anxiety. He encouraged me to continue on in my creative journey and wished me well as he got up and left.

Both of these interactions with the kids and the man made me more grateful that I still have the opportunity to make art for my own enjoyment despite my body that is painfully deteriorating more quickly than I would like it to. So, here's to many more postcode entries!